Agam Owns 897 Waqf Land Locations, Regent Asks BWI to Manage Well - Kankemenag of Agam Regency recorded as many as 897 waqf land locations in the area.
Kakankemenag Agam through KTU, Khamiri said, from the number of locations the waqf land has an area of about 291 hectares.
"A total of 614 waqf lands already have certificates and 283 more locations do not," he said when attending the inauguration of the management of the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI) Agam Representative, Tuesday, May 9, 2023.
That way, to BWI Agam Representatives who have been formed, it is hoped that they will be able to manage this waqf land well.
"This is an asset, so how can this waqf land be productive and managed," he said.
In accelerating the certification of waqf land, the Kankemenag Agam collaborated with BPN on the inauguration of the BWI Agam Representative management.
On that occasion, BWI Agam Representative received a money waqf certificate from Bank Nagari Lubuk Basung Branch, as well as a land and building endowment from Meidia Roza. *uc/eng
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