Related Parties Considered Blindfolded, Road Destroyed by Truck Parking on the Shoulder of Dharmasraya Road - One of the bad habits that still occurs so far is the behavior of parking cars that stop on the shoulder of the road.
In addition to hindering the flow of traffic, this behavior is actually also dangerous for drivers.
Related to this problem, the Transportation Office of Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatra is not firm in cracking down on rogue vehicles that stop on the shoulder of the road, as well as related officials.
As a result of this neglect, the shoulder of the road in Sumatra Cross Road was destroyed and potholes, so that the road caused puddles that could trigger accidents for road users.
This is evidenced by the frequent parking of heavily loaded vehicles on the shoulder of the road as happened on the Sumatra Cross road.
Precisely on the articulated bridge that crosses the Batang Siat River, Nagari Koto Baru, Koto Baru District, Dharmasraya Regency.
Dharmasraya Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) Kadis, Ir. Junaedi Yunus said that the widened road shoulder was actually used for emergencies only.
"That is, if there are cars that precede other cars so that there is no friction or shift between cars that precede each other according to road markings and good traffic rules on the highway," he said, Saturday (12/05/23).
Then, according to resident Hariyanto (50), Sitiung residents also said that a similar incident also occurred in front of the Grand Mosque facing the Transportation Office office.
"The road is smooth which is also lane two and the shoulder of the road is quite wide, but unfortunately it seems to be left by the Agency and there is no reprimand even though this is not among their duties," he regretted.
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